Private use $35 per hour with prior reservation.
Drive in by APPOINTMENT ONLY  currently on a limited basis, please text or call 406-270-4697 schedule. 

$20 per horse rider pair, per hour. 
$185 per month up to 4 hours per week indoor, unlimited outdoor, 
$235 for unlimited access as available, ability to schedule ahead.  Boarders have priority.

Welcome, thank you for your interest!  Drive in use is now by APPOINTMENT,  please text or call 406-270-4697,  we will happily schedule an appointment!  A release must be signed by adult or legal parent prior to riding.  Sorry, no barrel practice in the indoor.  Ground work is always welcome when other riders are not mounted in the arena.   Standard arena etiquette applies. Please pick up manure and place in carts.   Thanks and have a great ride!